
Showing posts from 2010

How to find the top 10 largest files or directories in Linux

du -a /var | sort -n -r | head -n 10

Execute JavaScript in ASP.NET Code Behind

If you want to execute JavaScript in code behind for example after an event, you can: ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "anyName", "myScript();", true);

Include JavaScript in ASP.NET Master Page

When I directly put the following script in the markup of Master File. There is also some JavaScript error. It is because .aspx in different folder may using this master page, so javascript path may become incorrect. To solve it, you need to register the javascript in page_load method. Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("jquery", ResolveUrl("~/Script/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"));

The SQL Server Service Broker for the current database is not enabled

The SQL Server Service Broker for the current database is not enabled, and as a result query notifications are not supported. Please enable the Service Broker for this database if you wish to use notifications. ----Check if the service broker is enabled SELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'YOUR_DB' -- Enable broker ALTER DATABASE YOUR_DB SET ENABLE_BROKER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE -- If fail above then new broker ALTER DATABASE YOUR_DB SET NEW_BROKER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE

SQL Server 2005: List all databases

List all the databases on SQL Server: ----SQL SERVER 2005 System Procedures EXEC sp_databases EXEC sp_helpdb ----SQL 2000 Method still works in SQL Server 2005 SELECT name FROM sys.databases SELECT name FROM sys.sysdatabases ----SQL SERVER Un-Documented Procedure EXEC sp_msForEachDB 'PRINT ''?'''

Service Unavailable of IIS

Today after installed some Windows patches to the server and reboot, one of a website does not work. It shows "Service Unavailable" when browse it. I try to restart the website but problem still exist. Finally found that the Application Pools cannot start properly because of the AD account used have changed the password.

SQL: Insert custom value into IDENTITY column

SET IDENTITY_INSERT clienttable ON insert into EmployeeTable ... SET IDENTITY_INSERT clienttable OFF

C#: Cannot cast DBNull.Value to type 'System.DateTime'. Please use a nullable type.

Today I got "Cannot cast DBNull.Value to type 'System.DateTime'. Please use a nullable type." error in the C# application. After my trace, it is caused by this line: DateTime? moveOutDate = dt.Rows[0].Field ("MoveOutDate"); You should make it as: DateTime? moveOutDate = dt.Rows[0].Field ("MoveOutDate");

Clear SQL Server Cache

When perform benchmark testing, make sure you need to clean the SQL server cache in order to have a more accurate result. -- Clean all data in the cache DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS -- clean cache from stored procedure DBCC FREEPROCCACHE

Display the size of all tables in SQL Server 2005

SET NOCOUNT ON DBCC UPDATEUSAGE(0) -- DB size. EXEC sp_spaceused -- Table row counts and sizes. CREATE TABLE #t ( [name] NVARCHAR(128), [rows] CHAR(11), reserved VARCHAR(18), data VARCHAR(18), index_size VARCHAR(18), unused VARCHAR(18) ) INSERT #t EXEC sp_msForEachTable 'EXEC sp_spaceused ''?''' SELECT * FROM #t -- # of rows. SELECT SUM(CAST([rows] AS int)) AS [rows] FROM #t DROP TABLE #t

Windows Server 2008 64bit Edition SMTP service logging

In Windows Server 2008 64bit edition, SMTP service isn't log even if you enabled the logging. It is found that  you need to install the ODBC Logging module. Install ODBC Logging module (Server Manager > Roles > Web Server (IIS) > Add Role Services > Health and Diagnostics > ODBC Logging) Stop / Start the SMTP Service Verify your SMTP service is configured for logging.  It's not on by default. Try a local telnet test (assuming the telnet client is installed) Look at your log folder. Or, take a look at this from Steve Schofield's blog :

Change SQL Server from Windows authentication to Mixed Mode

Connect to your server. In Object Explorer, right-click the server, and then click Properties. On the Security page, select SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode. Restart the SQL Server service.

Send message or alert to all online users

In Axapta 2.5 or 3.0, there is a standard function to send message to all online users. But it has been taken away after AX 4.0. However you still do this by some codes: static void sendAlertToOnlineUsers(Args _args) { EventInbox inbox; EventInboxId inboxId; SysClientSessions sessions; ; while select sessions where sessions.Status == SessionState::Running { inboxId = EventInbox::nextEventId(); inbox.initValue(); inbox.ShowPopup = NoYes::Yes; inbox.Subject = "GIT TESTING ALERT MESSAGE"; inbox.Message = "HELLO?"; inbox.SendEmail = false; inbox.UserId = sessions.userId; inbox.InboxId = inboxId; inbox.AlertCreatedDateTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime(); inbox.insert(); } }

SQL script to truncate and shrink log file of all database

This is a quick method to truncate and shrink the log file of all database. I usually use for clean up development database. declare @ssql nvarchar(4000) set @ssql= ' if ''?'' not in (''tempdb'',''master'',''model'',''msdb'') begin use [?] declare @tsql nvarchar(4000) set @tsql = '''' declare @iLogFile int declare @sLogFileName varchar(55) declare LogFiles cursor for select fileid from sysfiles where status & 0x40 = 0x40 open LogFiles fetch next from LogFiles into @iLogFile while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @tsql = @tsql + ''DBCC SHRINKFILE(''+cast(@iLogFile as varchar(5))+'', 500) '' fetch next from LogFiles into @iLogFile end set @tsql = ''USE [?]; '' + @tsql + '' BACKUP LOG [?] WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY '' + @tsql --print @tsql --for debugging exec(@tsql) close LogFiles DEALLOCATE LogFiles end' exec sp_msforeachdb @ss...

What images are available for the NormalResource Property

It is under: Microsoft Dynamics AX menu > Tools > Development tools > Embedded resources. The window displays the available images, and the Resource ID of each image.