How to Reinstall or Repair IE6 and IE7

Internet Explorer can and does break. It is usually the result of some addon or Spyware that has been removed and has broken a key element of the popular browser. By now, most people should have already upgraded to IE7--especially if Automatic Updates are turned on. In fact, IE8 will soon be rolling out, and the versions since IE6 are more secure and easier to repair than the old, abandoned version 6. No matter which version you're using you should always have the capability of repairing or reinstalling the browser.

In the case of IE6, you might need your Windows CD.

Reinstall IE6

There are some cases where it is necessary to keep Internet Explorer 6. This is normally in corporate environments where compatibility is an issue. In this case, you can reinstall IE6 by going to Start>Run and typing %systemroot%\inf. Hit OK and then you should be able to scroll down until you find IE (or IE.inf). Right-click and select Install. You may be asked to insert your Windows CD at this time.

Reinstall or Repair IE7

Internet Explorer 7 makes it easier to reinstall and repair IE7. To do this, Open IE7 and go to Tools>Internet Options>Advanced and scroll down to the bottom of the Window and click the reset button.


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